I-chu Wiki
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (1)
Ban: Ah, Producer!!
Producer: ! Ban-kun, Eva-kun, Futami-kun. Good job today! I was about to come and meet you all.
Futami: Ahaha, we couldn't wait and decided to come by ourselves.
Eva: How was tonight's banquet?
Producer: Every song and every stage was wonderful. But what touched me the most among those was--
Ban: When we showed the I-Chu Awards video, right?
Producer: Yes! I was really surprised.
Eva: Normally, we would consult you beforehand about what actions to take, but...
Futami: We wanted to do it by ourselves at all costs, though we still got a lot of people to help us.
Futami: But I'm really happy we somehow made it in the end.
Producer: ... You should have asked me for help in the first place.
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (2)
Eva: Forgive us, Messiah. We wanted to surprise you the most.
Ban: 'cause you were the one who worked the hardest for it.
Producer: Eva-kun, Ban-kun...
Futami: This live was made to offer our gratitude to all the people that have been supporting us until now, right?
Futami: To us, you're the person we want to offer our gratitude to the most.
Futami: That's why we did this, even though we knew it was stupid.
Ban: It was so tirin'~!
Ban: We had to practice every day, hold secret meetings during breaks, and then practice again and again....!
Eva: Yes, it's been a while since the last time we had this kind of last-second preparation.
Eva: Almost as if... Yes, just like the time when Messiah wasn't our producer.
Ban: But it was also fun, ya know? We were busy, but it felt like the more we worked, the more you would smile.
Producer: Everyone... Thank you very much.
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (3)
Futami: Well, the one who came up with it was Saku-chan~
Producer: Saku-kun did?
Eva: Yes, we just hopped on his proposal.
Futami: But we had thought of the same thing, you know? For real.
Ban: With that said, Producer. We're going home now but we would like you to pay a visit to Saku.
Eva: Yes. He surely must be waiting anxiously for you to open that door.
Futami: I actually don't want you two to be alone...
Ban: Back on it again? We decided together that we would let them!
Futami: I know! I'll forgive him just for today!
Futami: S- Since he's the leader of the Awards members and... I- I appreciate all his efforts...
Eva & Ban: ......
Futami: Geez you two! Don't smile like that!
Eva: Fufu, my apologies.
Ban: See ya tomorrow, Producer! Make sure to compliment Saku lots!!
Producer: Yes, I got it. Tomorrow, I'll thank you three plenty too.
Eva: Wh-....!
Futami: Haha, I can't wait!
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (4)
[knock knock]
Saku: Yes.
Producer: It's me. Can I enter?
[opens door]
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (5)
Saku: Welcome, Producer-chan. I was waiting for you.
Producer: Saku-kun... About today's live--
Saku: Did you keep your eyes on the stage?
Producer: Of course. I made sure not to miss any second of it. I even tried not to blink.
Producer: ... I met Futami-kun and the others earlier, and they told me that you were the one who planned the surprise.
Saku: Geez, that Akabane-kun never knows when to shut up. I wanted to be the one to tell you.
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (6)
Saku: .... I actually wanted to do everything by myself. I wanted to be the only one to make you smile.
Saku: But I'm still an I-Chu, so that's impossible for me.
Saku: Therefore, I asked those three for help.
Saku: After all, you worked so hard for that TV Program, I didn't want it to go to waste.
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (7)
Saku: Knowing you, you surely thought of showing it in another way.
Saku: But I wanted to show it. I wanted to show your hard work filled with love to all those people loving me.
Saku: I thought doing that would be a way to return my affection to you.
Producer: Saku-kun....
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (8)
Saku: You're really charming when you try to hide your sadness, but your smile is the best after all, [name]-chan.
Producer: ... Did you notice that I was shocked?
Saku: Of course. You're the only thing I look at.
Producer: .... Thank you.
Saku: [name]-chan, also---
[door opens]
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (9)
Baber: Saku~!! Good job with the live!
Kuro: Sorry for the intrusion.
Saku: Please come back later.
Baber: Uwah~?!
Kuro: We came all the way here to congratulate you after the live and you dare kick us out!
Saku: Kuro... You suck at reading the atmosphere....
Kuro: What?!
Producer: Kuro, Baber-kun, so you came to see the live.
Kuro: ... It's a live of our unit member, so it's obvious we would come to see.
Baber: Saku, you were super cool! Baber wanted to sing and dance together with you!
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (10)
Saku: Thank you, Baber. Also, thank you for helping me with RE:BERSERK's choreographies.
Baber: You're welcome!
Producer: Baber-kun, did you do that?
Baber: Yes. Baber is Eva-sama's little brother and his biggest fan, so Baber knows RE:BERSERK's choreographies perfectly!
Saku: ... Kuro, thank you too. Your snacks during break saved me.
Kuro: ... Hmph, looking at your performance made it worth it to prepare those snacks.
Saku: Ahaha, that's right. Maybe I was more motivated than usual because of your snacks.
Kuro: ... If you're that grateful, I wouldn't mind being invited to lunch as thanks.
Saku: Lunch?
Baber: Let's all go to eat together after this! Saku pays for us!
Saku: Why me?!
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (11)
Baber: Alchemist's motto is to express gratitude in a physical way.
Producer: (Saku-kun is not only loved by his fans, but also by his unit members...)
Producer: (Somehow, looking at this makes me happy...)
Baber: Of course, Producer comes too.
Producer: Is that okay with you?
Baber: Yes!
Kuro: If it weren't for you, this large-scale live wouldn't have been a success. Don't complain and accept the treat.
Producer: Being treated is a bit... I feel bad since I'm your producer...
Saku: Don't worry about that. Expressing gratitude in a physical way has become a rule in our group.
Saku: As thanks for leading us to a successful live, I'll treat you to anything.
Producer: Saku-kun...
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (12)
Saku: And also, take this.
Producer: ? A key... What's with this key?
Saku: I wonder that too.
Saku: I'll answer when we're alone.
Saku: I'll show you plenty of my feelings of gratitude... and of my feelings of love.
KING OF ICHU 2 Event Story 5 (13)
Saku: In a secret paradise that can be reached only with this key, where the two of us can be alone.