I-chu Wiki
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (1)
Runa: So far, each team has one win and one loss in this game of “Look over there”. The next match will determine the outcome!
Kanata: It seems like more tension than before has gathered…! It makes you want to cheer for both Takamichi-kun and Baberun.
Kuro: We’re counting on you, Takamichi Sanzenin!
Saku: Baber, good luck!
Takamichi: Fuu… Are you ready, Baber? Let’s make this a serious match.
Baber: Yup. A man-to-man battle.
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (2)
Baber & Takamichi: Rock, paper, scissors!
Baber: Takamichi-kun, are you ready? Look over… there!
Takamichi: !
Takamichi: ...Oh no!
Takamichi: (Damn it…! I looked at the place Baber pointed without thinking!)
Baber: Victory! Ehe.
Futami: Pffft! As expected of Takamichi! Betrayed at the most important of moments! Baber-kun’s victory was decided in one shot!
Takamichi: T-To think I could lose this easily…
Kuro: Don’t let it get to you, Takamichi Sanzenin… I’m sure you’re embarrassed right now, but…
Seiya: That’s right! It was a cool defeat!
Takamichi: You two aren’t following what’s happening at all!
Runa: With that said… The winners of “Look that way” are the Black Team!
Kokoro: Yay!
Runa: Well then, the next one is the last. The score right now is 1 victory for the White Team, and 2 victories for the Black Team.
Kuro: I can’t forgive them for having the lead… We absolutely can’t lose the next one.
Runa: For the fourth round, we have prepared something that is without a shadow of doubt exciting. Everyone, please do your best.
Kuro: Exciting… In what sense?
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (3)
Runa: The last one is… “Cavalry battle”, in which 2 people will act as the horse, and one will become the jockey!
Kokoro: By cavalry battle, you mean the cavalry battle from sports day!?
Runa: Yes. However, trying to steal a hachimaki is dangerous, so we rearranged the rules.
Runa: Momo, Issei-san. Please give us a simple demonstration.
Momosuke: Okaaay! In reality, 2 people become the horse, but because there’s only 2 of us, it will be shown in a shoulder ride~
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (4)
Kanata: Woah! Momo-chan gets to ride on Issei-san’s shoulders! How nice.
Momosuke: It’s high, and I can see far~
Issei: Oi, don’t move so much. It’s dangerous! Momosuke, hurry and explain.
Momosuke: Okay. Right now, Momo is wearing a helmet with a paper balloon that the jockeys will be wearing~
Momosuke: The one who will smash the opponent’s balloon while protecting their own is the winner, right?
Issei: Yeah. In cavalry battles, you have to fight hard while protecting the jockey.
Runa: Thank you very much. It seems like a flashy match, appropriate for the end.
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (5)
Kuro: It also seems pretty aggressive…
Akira: Won’t you change into your jerseys for this? Also, put on the protectors to make sure there’s no injuries.
The I-chu: Alright!
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (6)
Kokoro: We’ve changed clothes!
Seiya: Yeah! This is somehow exciting…!
Kokoro: The key to victory for cavalry battles is teamwork. Don’t you think is is good practice for getting in sync with each other?
Kuro: (If the me from before was here, he’d think that cooperating with others is stupid. But the me now--)
Seiya: I see! If it’s teamwork, there’s no way we’ll lose!
Kuro: That’s right…
Kuro: (Right now, I think I want to try joining forces with them…! I’ve changed a lot…)
Kuro: (But, it’s not a bad change)
Kokoro: Too bad, you can’t beat us who have been practicing together for so long!
Saku: Hanabusa-san, please repeat what you just said!
Kokoro: You’re being kind of noisy!
Kuro: Hey, wait. Doesn’t cavalry battle need three people? Doesn’t Black Team only have two members?
Kanata: The helper was decided through lottery! The next helper is Futamin!
Saku: Geh! That’s the worst!
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (7)
Futami: That should be my line, though~!
Saku: Why is it Akabane-kun of all people!? There’s surely others!
Futami: I don’t want to make a horse by holding hands with Saku-chan either!!!
Kokoro: God! Can’t you at least get along at a time like this!? You don’t want to trouble the show’s staff.
Futami & Saku: But…!
Kokoro: If you trouble the staff, then the Producer will also be troubled! Is that okay with you!?
Futami: Uuu… I’d hate that.
Saku: Haah… Since it can’t be helped, let’s call a ceasefire for now.
Futami: Right.
Kokoro: You two. Make sure to act properly as Kokoro’s horse~!
Futami & Saku: As you wish~!!!
Kanata: Sakkun and Futamin are completely in sync! Looks like they’re going to exceed expectations!
Seiya: Our rider is Kuro!
Takamichi: Listen up. We’ll proceed while talking this over.
Kuro: (While believing in Seiya Aido and Takamichi Sanzenin, I’ll only watch what’s ahead of me! That’s… What I can do for the two of them…!)
Kuro: I got it. Our goal is only one, victory! Am I clear!
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (8)
Seiya & Takamichi: Leave it to us!
Kuro: (If it’s us, we can definitely win!)
Runa: Fufu. Everyone is fired up. Then, let’s start. ...And, start!
Kanata: It’s finally starting! I look forward to seeing what kind of battle will unfold!
Saku: Agh! I don’t like holding Akabane-kun’s hands!
Futami: I don’t want to run while looking at Saku-chan’s back~!
Saku: In order to finish quickly--
Futami: And to win!
Kokoro: That’s right. Let’s go, you two!
Futami & Saku: Okay!
Kuro: I’ll leave this to you!
Seiya: Alright! Let’s go like this!
Takamichi: Seiya, run as you like. I’ll definitely follow!
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (9)
Kanata: Both teams are running straight towards each other!
Akira: It’s become a face to face battle.
Baber: What amazing force…!
Kokoro: This is my win!
Kuro: It’s my win!
*Pang, pang!!!*
Kanata: The paper balloons were crushed at the same time!
Runa: Which one was smashed earlier…?
Kuro: Who won just now....!?
Kokoro: As expected of Kuro, way to go…!
KING OF ICHU 3 Event Story 4 (10)
Akira: This is… Hard to determine. The way I saw it it was as though they were crushed at the same time--
Baber: Jajaaan! Since we don’t know, we’ll let the video decide.
Runa: The match’s result will be entrusted to the video. Which team won!?
Kuro: (This is what will determine the game’s outcome. Please, let us win…!)